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Leisure and Tourism - Introduction of non-native species.

  • Tourists and travellers have often unwittingly introduced non-native species into the local environment they are visiting.
  • These invasive species can also be introduced in other ways.
    Can you think of any?
  • The introduced species can cause enormous disruption and even destruction of ecosystems.
  • Such large impacts may occur because natural predators do not exist to control their numbers or the introduced species may compete more successfully for resources than the local native species occupying that niche.

There have been many examples since travel began.

A range of modern examples can be found on the:


 Population Growth


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From the lists above, outline some of the strategies that have been used to eradicate the introduced species e.g. biological control.

As global temperatures rise, do you think that the problem of non-native species introduction will become more or less important?

Find an example of an invasive, non-native species e.g. Japanese knotweed in Exeter.