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University of Bristol
Wellcome Trust
Recommended by:
Society of Biology
PEEP for Physics & Ethics at GCSE

Video Interviews

To help you grab your student's attention, we have introduced short video interviews with scientists on what they see as the pressing ethical issues in biological science. We hope that this will make learning that bit more interesting and more 'real' for them. We plan to add many more interviews as we go along.

Here's a list of the clips we currently have available:

  1. What is Bioethics?
  2. Human Genome
  3. Genetic Technology
  4. Climate change 
  5. How science works

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Girl with video camera

N.B. If you use Internet Explorer, double click on the videos to play them.

Unfortunately, due to a patent dispute between Microsoft and another company, Internet Explorer can no longer allow certain multimedia files to play automatically. However, all you need to do to make them work is just to click twice.

We are working on a solution to this little problem and hope to solve it soon.